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Sunday, July 22, 2012

busy busy busy....

Ohhh my goodness I can't believe it's been like three days since I've written a new post! ALOTTT has gone on the past view days... number one Gizmo got neutered on Friday and I had to be up at the crack of dawn to take him to his appointment (I am NOT a morning person) and then had to work the rest of the day. Wahhhh. Anyways my poor little guy was not a happy camper and he had a very rough day. Our normally hyper crazy pup was drugged up and looked like this all day:

doesn't he look so pathetic?? I don't think I've seen him passed out like that since the first week we got him. Then that night we had the in-laws over for dinner and free haircuts, and we got to spend see our new adorable nephew and our two nieces :] Sophia and her cousins play so well together at this age and I am lovvvinggg it. Here's a picture of all three of them about a year ago:
Three cutest kids EVERRR.
THEN Saturday I lounged around the house, my mom came over to watch a movie and then I had to work for a few hours :/ But after work we went out for my sister-in-law's birthday (the mommy of those two cuties up there) and we had a GREAT time. It's the first time I've been out since my 21st birthday and I accidentally got a little drunk (I was supposed to be the Designated Driver). Woops.... so my husband had to stop drinking so he could drive me home later. Sorry babe :( Anyways my sister&mother-in-law and I had a really fun time dancing and laughing are butts off and embarrassing our husbands, who cares what they think anyway??? HAHA. And I even rode a bull and pressured the hubby to ride it too! So today has been a recovery day, I had to go in and do one quick haircut today and then we will be leaving here soon to go to dinner at my moms :] 

And good news!! I did my hair for work on Saturday!!! Here's some proof-
I really couldn't couldn't get a good picture of it because #1 my hair is flat brown and doesn't photograph well when it's curly and #2 because SOMEONE just couldn't stay away from the camera and was squeezing her cute little face into every picture I tried to take. 

Love this goofy little girl <3


  1. I heart your blog! I'm a new GFC follower :) xoxo www.domesticsweetheart.com

  2. Yayy I'm glad you like it! As soon as I get home I'll be stalking your blog ;) Now what the heck is a GFC??? I'm dying to know
