To start with, the house we moved into turned out to be a complete nightmare! There were lots of plumbing/sewage issues which were just disgusting and weren't being handled the right way. The property management company that was handling the property was a joke and took forever to get a hold of or fix any problems we had. They were complete jerks and treated us as if every problem was our fault. When in reality the property had lots of behind the scenes problems and it was just not in livable condition. I could go on and on and on about all the problems we had in this house but honestly I'd rather not go back and think about it.
Between the months of September 2012 and August 2013 (while we were living in hell at the rental house) we had three miscarriages. This was easily the hardest thing I have ever been through, I never realized just how much it drags you down and tears you apart. We were completely devastated, confused and just plain pissed off. I didn't understand why this was happening to us, nothing seemed to make sense and there was nothing I could do to fix it. Its so hard when something you want so bad is just completely out of your hands and you have zero control over the situation.
FINALLY, in mid September we decided to downsize and move back to a small two bedroom apartment that was much closer to work and family and far far away from the crappy little hell hole that was causing us so much stress. Ironically, as soon as we downsized we became pregnant again and this time it was for good!
My pregnancy was a walk in the park just like my pregnancy with Sophia, which conpletely surprised me after all the troubles we had with the three pregnancies before this one. I was walking on eggshells the entire pregnancy, every doctors appointment we went to I expected the worse. But nothing bad happened, except for a crazy amount of heartburn and swollen feet. 40 weeks and 5 days came and went and then this little beauty was born...
Meet Ella Rose.
Born on May 20th at 5:38 a.m. weighing 7 pounds, 21 and half inches long.
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